
Julie Laurin

Originally from Chelmsford, Ontario, Julie has been living in Ottawa for the past few years. A full time Software QA Manager by day, she spends most of her evenings and weekends pursuing her love of creative photography. With absolutely no training in photography, she bought her first DSLR in 2008 and shot in Auto mode for years. It was only in 2012 that a photographer approached her and said, “You really need to learn how to use that thing.” So she learned the basics from him and set out to learn more through trial and error.

Since then, she’s been exploring various creative themes: from self-portraits using the simplest of materials (burlap, plastic, tape, wire), to creative productions in abandoned places! Heavily influenced by theatre and film, she often works with actors and performers, creating props and costumes in order to bring an idea to life. She also likes to challenge traditional concepts of beauty and certainly doesn’t shy away from photographing the grotesque! Her goal is simple: create interesting images, share your imagination with the world, nevermind the heavy post-processing, nevermind the studio. It’s about telling stories, and exploring with what you’ve got, or whatever you can create on a low budget. Julie’s work constantly revolves around two questions: “What if?” and “Why not?”.

Her biggest influence? These words from singer Jacques Brel: “Quand on a envie de faire un truc, il faut plonger comme un fou et le faire.”

You can see Julie’s work here.